A Change in Perspective – Moving from Tech Lead to Manager

I've been in Software Engineering since I left University as a graduate in 2006 and have performed many roles such as Software Developer, Scrum Master, Build Engineer and then in 2010, I moved into Software QA. At that point, I had several awesome mentors who I owe so much for fueling my love and passion … Continue reading A Change in Perspective – Moving from Tech Lead to Manager

What Skills #MakeATester? – A collaborative approach to help future Testers get a chance.

So as my last post showed, Universities aren't really considering Software Testing as a core topic of Computer Science degree courses. Therefore, by the time graduates are looking for jobs, testing isn't really on their radar. The same can be said for potential testers who haven't got degrees. As shown in a recent "Let's Talk … Continue reading What Skills #MakeATester? – A collaborative approach to help future Testers get a chance.

Testing Certifications – Are they worth the paper they are written on?

There has been a lot of buzz around this topic at recent testing events and in forum discussions between testing professionals, there are a fair few different certifications around but are they of value? A quick google and I found the following certifications: ISTQB - Foundation, Advanced (Test Manager, Test Analyst and Technical Test Analyst) … Continue reading Testing Certifications – Are they worth the paper they are written on?